Kristine Johnson 

Kristine's original caption from 2013: I met Kristine, the 25 year old Wisconsin native, through a close friend of the Photographers on the ship. Kristine is a Youth Counselor on board Pride of America and all the YC's (as they are called) have nicknames. Ostensibly to make them more relatable to the youths that they counsel. Hence: Skittles. 
I was excited to get Kristine's portrait because after a few conversations we found that there was very little that we agreed upon; except that we liked one another. I have the utmost respect for her. In fact perhaps more so than some people with whom I share many beliefs. In the course of our debates Kristine stood in there against what might be deemed: relentless questioning, and acknowledges contradictions. She doesn't pretend to know anything she doesn't know. She stands by her beliefs with faith, humor, and remains open to hearing my viewpoint. I respect and admire that. Here is her portrait.

Five years on, it was interesting to meet up with Kristine again. Her life has changed dramatically in the intervening years. Yet, so much of her personality, and her humor were the same. It was lovely to catch up with her and learn about her work as a flight attendant, and an author.